ESG-Analyst Daniel Batten enthüllt dynamische Diagramme, die Bitcoins zeigen 52.6% Nachhaltige Energienutzung

Umweltfreundlich, Sozial, und Governance (ESG) Analyst Daniel Batten sagte am Dienstag, dass das rechnerische Rückgrat des Bitcoin-Netzwerks nun genutzt wird 52.6% nachhaltige Energie. Batten und der On-Chain-Analyst Willy Woo haben dynamische Bitcoin-ESG-Charts erstellt, um den Fortschritt des Protokolls zu veranschaulichen. Gegensätzlich zu…

Bitcoin Miner Greenidge Seeks to Raise $22.8 Million in Class A Common Stock Proposal

The bitcoin mining operation Greenidge Generation is seeking to raise roughly $22.8 Million, according to a U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) filing published Wednesday. According to the prospectus disclosing information, the New York-based Greenidge conducted a sales agreement with the investment

Gas-to-Bitcoin Mining Firm Crusoe Energy Systems Raises $505 Million

Am Donnerstag, the bitcoin mining and flare gas mitigation firm Crusoe Energy Systems Inc. revealed it secured $505 million in new capital from strategic investors. Laut Ankündigung, the Series C equity funding round was led by the climate technology

Institutionelle Investoren sagen, dass die SEC, die mehr Macht zur Regulierung von Krypto hat, die Preise in die Höhe treiben wird

Institutional investors are optimistic about the U.S. Wertpapier- und Börsenkommission (SEK) having more power to regulate the crypto market, a recent survey shows. They believe that if the SEC is granted extra powers, the prices of cryptocurrencies will be positively

Bitcoin-Mining-Operation Genesis Digital Assets kündigt neues Rechenzentrum in West-Texas an

Following a number of ASIC mining rig acquisitions from the manufacturer Canaan, the bitcoin mining operation Genesis Digital Assets announced on Monday that the firm is developing an industrial-scale bitcoin mining data center in West Texas. Laut Ankündigung, Genesis